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Jessica and Osborne’s Charleston Wedding

These two!!! I have no words–just look at them!

(I mean, maybe I have a couple of words….) 🙂

I remember the night that I first got to talk to Jessica. I started talking to a potential bride and hung up with a friend. Turns out I also had several special touch points with Jessica and Osborne: faith, a Wofford connection (Osborne is a fellow Terrier!), and a desire for weddings to be super authentic and full of peace. The whole planning process was a dream and I was just WAITING for September to get here!

I had scouted out the church (the GORGEOUS St. Andrew’s) and I turned around to Jessica walking up the sidewalk, arms wide. A big, happy hug started the day and that is the feeling that carried through the whole day!

Some notables about their day (and there are many!!):

  • It is totally okay to be nervous on your wedding day. I know I was! But Jessica and Osborne had no visible nerves and TONS of visible excitement! The whole day just felt like them, if that makes sense.
  • Jessica’s dress had a gorgeous subtle pattern to it. It added a touch of uniqueness to her already stunning and classic look. One day, her grandchildren will look back at this dress and still marvel at its timeless beauty! (I also LOVE the individual bridesmaids dresses all chosen by each bridesmaid in different shades/patterns of green!)
  • At the start of the ceremony, the guests, in their excitement, rose to their feet prematurely as the groomsmen made their entrance. Laughter erupted from the crowd, filling the chapel with infectious joy! It was a delightful reminder that love and laughter go hand in hand!
  • Before the ceremony, Jessica and Osborne tucked away in the church courtyard to take communion together privately. While we got a couple images from inside, it was a meaningful time for them to be totally alone focusing on what is most central.
  • Jessica’s family own one of the carriage companies in Charleston, and the reception was at Sugah Cain Plantation–where the horses that pull the carriages call home. And when I tell you it was stunning….just go look. I am jealous of these horses!! 🙂 The backdrop was lowcountry wedding magic!
  • During his speech, Jessica’s dad said that he as always called her “Lady J”. Don’t you love that sweet little detail?
  • I have photographed many a reception and let me be the first to say, that the dance party was ELECTRIFYING!! Top 5 for sure!!
  • And how do you end off the perfect wedding day? Rope swing into the pond, you say?!?! Well, of course! HAHA! Honestly, it felt just like them.

And I think that was a hallmark for Jessica and Osborne. Everything they chose for their wedding was a reflection of who they are. I won’t forget it!

Vendors that made the day great:

Ceremony Venue: St Andrew’s Mt. Pleasant

Reception Venue: Sugah Cain Plantation and Old South Carriage Company

Planner: Elena Balkcom

Hair & Makeup: Olivia Carroll

Cake/Desserts: Sunflower Eatery

Dress: The Dressing Room South designed by Sincerity

Invitations: Truly Engaging

Table Rentals: Snyder Events

Tent Rental: A Tent Event

Portable Restroom: Access Portable Toilets

  1. Tracy Reid says:

    This is beautiful!! What a gorgeous wedding!!

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